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We enter into parenthood with a vision of how things will be in our homes and often find ourselves living a distinctly different reality.

We end up auto-pilot parenting and find ourselves triggered by our subconscious patterns.   These triggers then spill onto our children and disconnection is now the norm.

Parenting our children starts with a solid foundation based on the principles of mutual respect, trust, real empathy and doing the inner work to show up as the parent you intended to be.

Go from chaos to confidence.

And when you are confident…

You Shine!

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Thanks so much! I’m sitting here in awe of what you’re able to do! I’ve been in and out of therapy for years, and this is the first time I’ve been able to uncover and work on these deep issues. And I’m very grateful to you.

Carolyn C.,San Diego, CA

Satya has helped me to uncover and transform challenges I didn’t even know I had! The process has helped me to clear the path to being the parent I want and, can now, consciously choose to be.

Sydney G.Oregon

Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough for your guidance, presence and insight. This is transforming my world in an unimaginable way- more so than any other coaching I've received (and that's saying something lol) THANK YOU!!!!

K. Gerhardt (Tony Robbins coach)North Carolina

I feel like I am 100% coming from a new parenting mindset! I am aware of what my children need in the moment, can pause on my desires and / or triggers to show up and be present for them. I know how to handle parenting with a compassionate and conscious mindset now! I am so proud, it literally brings tears to my eyes! This course has forever shifted me and my children’s lives.

M. AudleyOregon